AKEBONO Tea’s First Japanese Organic Green Tea Line

Tea is a beverage which has been deep-rooted in to Japanese souls. A renowned Japanese company, AKEBONO TEA K.K. has announced that they are going to launch their line of Japanese organic green teas which infuse herbs with traditional Japanese tea, on the February 28 2019; and start exporting all over the world. Below are some information referred from https://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/

The company is inspired by the city of Tokyo, where the company initiated; blending together the old and the new. Their target is to create unique Japanese tea by blending traditional tea and herbs and creating a new perspective as a brand by incorporating tradition and modernity, two aspects which can be found in the capital city of Japan. Japan being the world’s largest Ready to Drink tea market is the best example for that.

Picture Downloaded from: https://www.teaandcoffee.net/

Teas are grown and handpicked at a garden situated at the basement of Mountain Fuji, taking in all the soil nutrients and water running from the mountain. This allows for all the blends are certified organic by JAS, meaning their teas can be sipped with a great deal of peace knowing that there were no agro-chemicals used in the process of cultivating their organic tea. Along with encouraging the use of organic tea leaves, AKEBONO TEA encourages sustainable relationships among customers, producers, and nature as they buy the tea leaves directly from tea gardens.

To find out more about their origins, organic green teas and check out all the blends, visit the AKEBONO TEA website.

For product imagery, download from here.

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1.Original Post: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190225005928/en/AKEBONO-TEA-Releases-Organic-Tea-Brand-Specializing

2.Company Website: https://akebono-tea.com/collections/classic-teas

3.More Info: https://www.teaandcoffee.net/news/22012/akebono-tea-launches-organic-line/