Bogawantalawa Tea Estate PLC’s Pandemic Protection Mechanism

Ceylon (Sri Lankan) Tea industry had been granted permission from the government and Sri Lanka Tea board to conduct operations with special curfew passes just 3 day after lock-down as Tea growing regions of Ceylon were safe with no patients identified. In a situation when almost all other foreign revenue sources like expatriates, textile and tourism have been facing severe issues, Tea industry is functioning well mainly thanks to the online auction system developed in a quick time. By the meantime, As The Island had reported, Bogawantalawa Tea Estate PLC in order to assist their employees on the field as well as continue factory and cultural operations, currently conducting many activities simultaneously to maintain smooth and safe operations. Further, assistance is being provided by the Sri Lankan government and the Plantation Human Development Trust (PHTD).

This reputed plantation company is conducting many awareness programs including,

  1. Multiple small sessions organised by the Estate medical officer, PHI, MOH and senior staff.
  2. Advertisements / posts in local language had been developed by the PHDT as well and circulated among the community electronically (WhatsApp).
  3. The Pandemic protection mechanisms are being handled at every level by the management, EMA, Child development officers and Social welfare officers.
  4. All awareness campaigns are being targeted and communicated verbally, electronically and via special sessions at housing schemes with limited

This Pandemic Protection Mechanism followed by Bogawantalawa Tea Estates on behalf of plantation community is highly appreciated !

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  1. Original Post:
  2. Forbes & Walker Tea Brokers: