European Union Representatives Visited Ceylon White Tea Plantation

Tea is the most popular beverage after water. Among all the tea types, White Tea is considered as one of the healthiest due to it’s minimal processing. Original white teas like silver needle / silver tips, Bai Mu Tan etc are coming from Fujian province of China mainland. In addition to that I have also experienced the unique taste of wild white tea from Yunnan province of China where tea was first discovered by the Chinese emperor Shen Nong about 5000 years back. Still world renowned Ceylon Tea has got a history of 152 years. But it’s amazing the way that tea plant adopted to local Sri Lankan conditions to become one of the finest tasting Black teas in the world. White tea is something which is new to Sri Lanka. But thanks to Herman Teas Ceylon White Teas are also world renowned at the moment. By identifying the value of this ethical business, European Union representatives visited Herman Tea’s white tea plantation situated in the Down South of Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

Representative had the pleasure of Tasting Ceylon White Teas as well as other tea types produced at the plantation. The signature product of this plantation is ‘Virgin White Tea’, a tea never touched by humans, and has caught the attention of tea enthusiasts all over the globe. Virgin White Tea is acclaimed for its uniqueness by many luxury tea connoisseurs. A lab analysis done by SGS of Switzerland revealed that ‘Herman Virgin White’ has an anti-oxidant content of 10.11%, which is said to be the highest naturally occurring content of anti-oxidants in any beverage. It’s a claim, but still this tea is extremely healthy. This wonderful tea was also presented by Jane Pettigrew at the World Expo in Las Vegas and won praise and appreciation. Ceylon Souchong, Saphire Oolong, and Flowery Cammellia are some of other teas produced at the estate factory.

EU Representatives Visited the Plantation
Image Credit: Ceylon White Tea Plantation

Credentials of White Tea Plantation

  •  Award by the National Chamber of Exporters as the Best small scale exporter.
  •  ‘Most innovative teas in the world at The Anuga Food Fair’ in Cologne Germany.
  •  Virgin white tea is marketed and served at several luxury tea boutiques around the world, and amongst them is the coveted luxury tea salon Mariage Frères International of Faubourg Saint Honore, Paris.

The Estate has been in the family of Tea Connoisseur Mr. Herman Gunaratne for more than 100 years. It was once a part of a large plantation of 2200 acres and in 1974 with the nationalization of British plantations 1000 acres were taken over by the government and 1000 acres was lost by predecessor (who was the President of the Suicide club at that time, an informal association of gamblers) on the roll of the dice. Hence currently this white estate only comprises of a lush tea cultivation of 200 acres, of which tea is grown on 150 acres and the remaining 50 acres of the plantation consists of Rubber, Cinnamon, Pepper and Coconut.

European Union nations love to sip good teas. So I am quite certain that European Union representatives must have been really impressed with this tea plantation.

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