Join with Jeff Fuchs to Travel from Tea forests of South-West China Over The Himalayas to Kathmandu

Since it’s discovery by the Chinese emperor Shen Nong, tea was refreshing the man kind for generations. This 5000 year old drink eventually became the most popular beverage in the world after water. Largest tea producing nations in the world namely China and India are consuming most of their teas with in the country. The world of tea is huge. There are so many things to know and there are many things to be discovered. By the mean time, As Tea & Herbal Association of Canada have organized a webinar on Dec. 3 from 3-5 pm with Canadian explorer Jeff Fuchs who calls himself a “tea junkie,”. He is guy who got addicted to the most popular drink on earth after water.

Jeff is a true tea aficionado. Recently he was named as one of the top ten “tea influencers” in the world and his lifelong discover for the perfect cup of tea takes him on a journey along the ancient Tea Horse Road.

Jeff Fuchs travels from the tea forests of south-west China over the Himalayas and down through the magnificent Kali Gandaki Gorge into Kathmandu (Capital of Nepal), where the old tea traders once carried their leaves to market on the backs of mules by taking a difficult route. The Tea Explorer is a grand adventure through a forgotten part of history, revealing a fascinating and hidden world of tea.

Tea education is vital for the betterment of the industry. Also I hope this will be great learning curve for tea lovers all over the globe.



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