Teas of the World Contest: An Opportunity for Tea Producers

Tea is the most popular beverage after water. Due to the great diversity of tea, it suits many palates all over the globe. Tea World is so interesting and beautiful. By the mean time, tea growers are now having a great opportunity to make their various teas popular thanks to “The AVPA Teas of the world Contest” scheduled to be held on September 2019 in Paris, France.

According to AVPA (https://www.avpa.fr/thes-en) this contest is unique in its kind, based on gastronomic rather than standardized refereeing, seeking a striking rather than consensual sensory profile. Hera an independent body in a consumer country (France) promotes the good practices of tea production and trade actors.

In spite of this global enthusiasm, most of tea drinkers purchases teabags from super and hyper markets. It becomes critical to demonstrates trade specialists and the general community alike that tea holds a genuine gastronomic value. To recognize the quality of producers’ work assists sustain a future which depends on many issues. For classic origins (China, Taiwan, Japan, Sri Lanka, India) as well as new ones (Africa: Specially Malawi and Kenya, South-East Asia…), the Contest thus gives an equal opportunity to all producers by giving them with an additional marketing asset to enhance their good work.

For the 2nd installment of the “Teas of the World” Contest, a special category has been introduced for herbal teas (Tea with Nipun would like to call this category as “Tisanes” / “Herbal Infusions”) other than Camellia sinensis (Real Tea: Black, Oolong, Green, White etc). According to AVPA, this decision was born from producers’ demand and growing consumption on the french market. Traceable to origin, neither flavored nor blended, Tisanes / herbal infusions are equally representative of the excellence of a specific terroir and know-how. It’s true that each Herbal infusion has got unique health and functional health benefits. But Real Tea is the only beverage in the world which donates many health (known to reduce the effect of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer etc) and functional benefits (Stimulation from Alkaloids, Relaxation from L-theanine) at the same time.

The tea market is forecast to grow steadily over the years, as the buying power rises in growing nations where tea is seen more as a consumer product. On the side of consumer countries, it is the health-related interest of tea that boosts sales.

Samples and Registration forms should be submitted before 07th of June 2019

Register via https://www.avpa.fr/thes-en

View More Tea News + Articles: http://www.teawithnipun.com/


1.AVPA Official Website: https://www.avpa.fr/thes-en