U.S. Tea Association Speaks Against Tariffs on Chinese Tea

Tea is the most popular beverage in the world after water. This wonderful beverage was first discovered by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong. Arguably tea is the most valuable gift from China to the entire world. Recently, USA President His Excellency Donald Trump’s administration threatened additional 25-percent tariffs on 300 billion U.S. dollars’ worth of Chinese products including tea. But US Tea Association has already expressed their worry on this.

Mr. Peter Goggi, the president of The Tea Association of The USA Inc mentioned, “the hearing that the imposition of tariff on Chinese tea will not impact Chinese producers, exporters or the government overall, as the U.S. consumption of Chinese tea only accounts for less than 1 percent of China’s total tea production”. Goggi added firther, “There are very small terroirs or micro climate areas in China that produce very, very high quality teas and very unique teas that you cannot get anywhere else in the world, If the tariffs go through, ultimately the consumer will pay the price. It’s the consumer that gets hurt.”

Mr. Peter Goggi, President of The Tea Association of The USA Inc
Photo Credit: Dan Bolton

As Xinhua had reported, The seven-day hearing, held by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, enters its fifth day on Friday, when representatives from furniture, chemical, retail and technology industries, among others, gathered to make comments on the proposed tariff hike, with most of them voicing their strong oppositions.

Jason Walker, marketing director of Firsd Tea North America, LLC, a subsidiary of Zhejiang Tea Group, Ltd., mentioned in his testimony that the US is not a tea producing country, and thus “there is virtually no commercial tea grown that needs to be protected by tariffs, nor are there any farm-based jobs that would be protected. The president of The Tea Association of The USA is also “dead set against” the proposed tariffs on Chinese tea.

Tea is the only popular beverage in the world which donates relaxation (L-theanine) and stimulation (Alkaloids) at the same time. This brew is also known to be a healthy beverage thanks to the presence of Antioxidants. So in my opinion political issues should not take in to the beautiful world of tea. Many nationalities from all over the globe gather for a humble cuppa. Simply speaking tea is making the whole world united. During my 3 years of stay in China I saw the huge diversity of Chinese tea from Dark Pu-Erh to very melow white tea, From Whole Leaf silver needle to very fine Matcha Green Tea powder. I really loved Keemun (Qimen) Black Tea from Anhui province and Yunnan Gold Black tea which are quite similar to Ceylon Black Teas from my mother land. I also had the privilege to enjoy 1st flush Maojiang Green Tea quite regularly picked from My Best Chinese friend’s farm in Henan province. He often served this wonderful tea with Grapes. I have also sipped Bi Luo Chun, Long Jing (Dragon Well), Da Hong Pao, Tie Guan Yin (Iron Goddess of Mercy) and many more.

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1.Original Post: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-06/25/c_138171882.htm

2.More Information: https://worldteanews.com/editors-choice/tariff-truce-eases-but-does-not-eliminate-tea-trade-worries