US Tea Brand Celestial Seasonings Goes Bold for Generation Z (Born in 1995-2010)

Even though USA is a coffee dominating market, tea is slowly gaining in popularity thanks to health and wellness trend specially among younger generation. Credit should also go to legends like Steven Smith and David Walker for making specialty tea popular in an era when the US hardly had any good tea to consume. By the mean time, as Packaging World had reported, Colorado based renowned tea Brand Celestial Seasonings has decided to go Bold for Generation Z (people born in 1995-2010).

Before (left) and after images of Celestial Seasonings’ Authentic Green Tea packaging shows move to bolder graphics and less text.
Image Credit: Packaging World

Celestial Seasonings’ latest line of Energy and Probiotics teas is currently entering store shelves, with graphics that brim with energy and intrigue. These latest designs were created by brand strategy and design firm CBX, that also updated brands’ core green and black teas to pique the interest of the younger tea drinking crowd.

For the new SKUs, design firm has included a new visual language to communicate product benefits at a glance while staying true to the classic Celestial Seasonings roots. CBX used clever and inspiring category codes from the functional beverages and wellness categories to inform themes and symbology on the new packs

Latest Designs for Generation Z
Image Credit: Packaging World

The language carries over to the core teas, with an emphasis on symbol, iconic places, and nostalgic moments. CBX designed bold, posterized illustrations for both black & green Tea lines: a mystical Chinese dragon, a fist clutching a lightning bolt, and a palm cradling the sun.

“Functional foods and enhanced beverages are really important to Generation Z, and it’s not just about health and performance,” says Audra Nebolini, an associate creative director based in CBX’s New York office. “Younger consumers are keenly interested in the way tea affects their energy level and overall mood. Celestial Seasonings’ new packaging tells that story in bold, eye-catching ways. It’s a refreshing take for the tea aisle, which can sometimes feel a bit dated.”

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