Uganda Tea Fetches Low Price While Rwanda Gets A Premium at Mombasa Auction

African nations like Kenya, Burundi, Malawi & Rwanda are well known for their coloury, strong CTC (Cut/Tear/Curl) Black teas goes very well with milk and sugar. As New Vision had reported, according to East African Tea Export Auctions report in June 2020, Rwanda’s tea had fetched a premium, followed by Kenya, Burundi, Uganda and Tanzania in that order. In June for instance, Rwanda earned $2.47 (sh9,026) per kilogramme, on average, followed by Kenya with $1.86 (sh6,797), Burundi came third with $1.97 (sh7,199) per kg while Uganda was in the fourth position with $1.22 (sh4,458) per kg. Tanzania crop, on the other hand, fetched $1.06 (sh3,873) per kg.

A Tea Plantation in Uganda
Image Credit: flickr

Even in the report published in August 3-5, 2020, Rwanda’s tea fetched the highest average price per kilo at $2.48 (sh9,062). Kenya and Burundi’s produce fetched an average of $1.92 (sh7,016) per kg, each. Uganda, on the other hand, earned $1.29 (sh4,714) while Tanzania got $0.99 (sh3,617).

The Uganda Tea Association executive secretary, George William Ssekitoreko said the poor quality of Uganda’s tea is a result of poorly plucked tea and the lower altitude of tea growing areas in Uganda, compared to other East African countries.

It is said that tea grown on a higher elevation, impacts its growing process. This is because high altitudes are colder and have rocky soils, forcing plants to grow at a lower pace. In the process, allowing greater concentration of carbohydrates in the leaves, which adds natural sweetness, as well as the famed creamy texture.

Additionally, experts say that colder temperatures limit pests and diseases, minimizing the need for pesticides and the bitterness in the leaf, which in most cases comes from polyphenic compounds that develop as natural pest control.

About the plucked leaf, Ssekitoreko said that most Ugandan tea farmers are not well disciplined when it comes to plucking green tea leaves, saying that even when one factory rejects the leaf on account of quality, another one buys it.

To ensure quality, he said that the government needs to put in place a Tea Policy to guide the operations of the sub sector and ensure that all players conform to standards.

Author’s Personal View

But here in Sri Lanka, Low elevation (Below 600m AMSL) grown CTC teas fetch better prices compared to high (+1200m AMSL) and medium (600-1200m AMSL) grown CTC due to extra strength and colour. That’s what matters for tea bags in order to have a quick strong brew. So it’s all about Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) irrespective of elevation.

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